Interior Design

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Love is Harmony

Interior Designer : Steve BrooklynConceptual and Render: Steve BrooklynTheme" Love is Harmony"Owner: Property Company at Jakarta"Meeting Room"Contact Person: +62 856 6812 7899Scolberg.Pty....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Children bedroom - Green is peaceful

Interior Designer : Marisa JulienContact Person : +62 815 014 6189Location: Jakarta - IndonesiaRendering: Steve BrooklynContact Person: +62 856 6812 7899Location: Batam - Indone...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Old Folks

Interior Designer : Marisa JulienContact Person : +62 815 014 6189Location: Jakarta - Indonesia Rendering: Steve BrooklynContact Person: +62 856 6812 7899Location: Batam - Indone...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Living Room (Ivory)

Location : Apartement in Singapore  Theme : Ivory Interior Designer & Conceptual: Steve Suyardi (yadi) Scolberg.Pty.Ltd  Batam - Indonesia  Contact Person : +62 856 6812 7899 Email: Steve_kimura@yahoo.c...