Interior Design

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Friday, May 18, 2018

Traditional Javanese Concept (Massage and Reflexology)

Massage and Reflexology Traditional is one of the most popular styles in interior design. But what is it exactly? The word “traditional” can mean something different to every homeowner. Today I’m sharing the characteristics of this favorite aesthetic so you can decide if Traditional Design is the right style for your home. Javanese Influence Traditional interior design is inspired by traditional looks. It’s a...

Industrial Concept

Entertainment Room Baring it all takes a lot of courage, and modern industrial interior design is about exposing all that lies beneath to achieve raw, edgy style. What other styles are at pains to hide, the industrial style design boldly puts on display.Structural elements are turned into showpieces, achieving a look that seems unfinished, yet cohesive and chic, basic features of any industrial look. Increasingly used to style loft...