Interior Design

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Friday, March 1, 2019

Neo Classic "Victorian"

Owner: Mr SC Location : Jodoh Batam Indonesia The neoclassical style is about elegance and sophistication. This style is more modest and muted than the conspicuous display of wealth  The colors in the neoclassical style are generally mild: cream, gray, blue, yellow and green. Luster black, red, gold and silver are used mainly as patches of color to highlight the overall style. A gentle and pervasive flower theme creates a chic...

Contemporer "Batik is our heritage"

Owner: Mr. TT Hotel Boutique Harbour Bay Batam Batam - Indonesia “It is so important that the world finally recognize and acknowledge batik as an Indonesian heritage, Batik has always been and always be Indonesia’s leading heritage. The masterfully painted cloth is known internationally for its unique style and traditional ambiance. Batik is one of Indonesia’s proudest heritages. Traditional batik has notable meanings with roots...

Contemporer "Reflection of Nature"

Owner: Mr. W Bukit Permata Batam - Indonesia There’s something just so peaceful about being in a place like nature. I mean, take a look at the reflection of nature.Mountains reflected in a pool of water or an overall color palette of browns and greens. Walls, furniture and accent décor made from wood and stone or large windows that allow the landscapes of the outdoors to feel close by. There are many ways to bring nature into a design....

Post Modern Design Concepy "Between Wood and Stone"

Owner: Mr. W Location: Batam - IndonesiaWe live in a period of transition from modernism to postmodernism. Postmodern elements can be traced in architecture, art, and consumer behavior. Postmodernism is a era without a dominant ideology but with a pluralism of styles. Social and technical changes create four dominant postmodern conditions related to fragmentation of markets and experiences, hyper reality of products and services,...