Interior Design

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Monday, August 12, 2019

Parents Bedroom (Pastel and Soft)

Mrs. N Jelambar West Jakarta - IndonesiaPastel color schemes can be used with a variety of decorating styles. The most creative pastel palette ideas usher in summer and spring goodness. You can combine pastels with gentle whites or sophisticated grays and every combination looks absolutely stunning. Match the elegance and soothing charm of pastel hues with our guide below.Whether you offset gentle shades with crisp white, combine them...

Master Bedroom (Contemporer Design) Line of Gold

Owner Mr. TW West of Jakarta Indonesia That’s right! After many years of being out of fashion the “yellow” metals like gold, brass, and light bronze are back with a vengeance. For most of the millennium to date the whiter metals like nickel, chrome and stainless steel have reigned supreme but move over white metals because now the yellow metals are back and they are making a huge assault on interior furnishings. They are literally showing...