Interior Design

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Scandinavian  Owner: Ms.J Batam Centre - Indonesia Scandinavian bedroom decoration is perfect for you to apply if you prefer a clean look that is not much color in a room, one of which is included in the bedroom. The Scandinavian decoration is synonymous with pure white color which makes the room seem more spacious and more comfortable because it makes you more comfortable.There is the application of interior design in a classic...

Fusion Between Classic and Industrial

Classic and Industrial Concept Location: Podomoro Batam Owner: Mr. R In the past few years, industrial design has become increasingly popular and it’s easy to see why. The look is based on combining the best aspects of old-world charm with modern sleekness. In essence, it’s a perfect compromise. However, there’s one big misconception keeping this style from becoming a household staple.When picturing these designs, we typically...

Office City Loft Concept

City Loft Sudirman Location Jakarta The concept of flexibility in architecture can divide into various topics depending on the residential building’s physical, mechanical and structural systems at the stage of planning, design and practice.  This classification can change depending on the bearing elements i.e. built-in elements (columns, slabs, vertical installation shafts, vertical circulation elements) and variable parts (non-load...

Art of Copper and Marble

Club House Location: MakassarOwner: Mr. S Interior design is defined as, “the art or process of designing the interior decoration of a room or building.” While a “process” may include a set of rules or stringent guidelines, the concept of “art” is much more fluid and subjective. Consequently, perceptions of design style can be confusing without a common frame of reference. If a client cannot clearly articulate his or her vision for decorating a...

Concept "Between Line and Shape"

Dental ClinicOwner Ms. ALocation: Duta Mas Batam Just like art, A designer needs to satisfy more than just the pure functionality purposes of a design. The composition, the space, the forms and the interior give sensation and meaning to the design to create an experience famously known as "emotional conceptual". Space is one of the most important elements of design. Space is an intangible attribute of a design defined in terms of...