Owner: Mr. A
Royal Grande
Batam - Indonesia
- Do use simple, natural fabrics like linen, cotton, and cheesecloth.
- Don’t go overboard with frills, ruffles, tassels, fringes, and floral fabrics.
- Do leave a wall completely bare if you can.
- Don’t surround that beautiful Louis XV chair with more of the same. Make it stand out by pairing it with something completely contrasting, like a modern or minimalist piece of furniture.
- Do be bold and unconventional. Pair baroque curves with clean, modern lines.
- Don’t shy away from introducing one spectacular element like an extravagantly colored objet d’art, a large-scale work of art on a wall or an oversize piece of furniture to up the wow factor.
- Do look upwards. Remember the ceiling and plan to make it more interesting. The French go beyond just flat, white paint on the ceiling.
- Don’t hold yourself back when decorating the bedroom. A French interior design bedroom makes for a classy retreat that’s a pleasure to retire to at the end of a stressful day.
- Do add something gilded or shiny to the décor.